About us
Studio Déjà is born from a love for one-off, quality-driven pieces imbued with character, timelessness, and soul.
Deriving from the familiar French term déjà vu, these are the pieces that have been forged, forgotten and recollected, only to find their way to you.
Through curating unique releases of vintage furnishings and contemporary artworks, we hope to showcase the beauty of history, curiosity and conscious consumption.
Meet the founder
Alexia Gilbert is an artist, interiors fiend and head of marketing at the international lifestyle brand, Frances Loom.
Lexi studied fine art at university, then fate did its thing and she joined FL in 2019. Since then her love for one-off pieces has grown. Embracing the imperfections, patina and personalities of antique objects became second nature.
In the same spirit, her artistic practise has deviated away from figurative painting to a more organic, experimental process, involving reclaimed, recycled and historical fabrics.
At Studio Déjà, every piece (be it art or antique) embodies this philosophy; objects with old souls, ready to live another life with you.